
Verdaccio technique for portrait in oil with Cuong Nguyen


Verdaccio technique with Cuong Nguyen

Oil Painting Workshop using the Verdaccio technique with Cuong Nguyen
Monday June 19th to Friday June 23rd, 2023 (5 consecutive days)

Atelier Nadaï is delighted to receive internationally renowned artist Cuong Nguyen who will come and teach a 5-day oil painting workshop using the Old Masters' Verdaccio technique.  Cuong will teach you how to create more realistic portraits using his distinctive yet easy-to-follow technique.

In this workshop, Cuong will demonstrate his own approach to the old masters technique of oil painting using the verdaccio underpainting. Verdaccio is a greenish underpainting technique used by early Italian fresco painters. The artist establishes all the values in the underpainting technique. Several transparent over paintings are then applied, achieving a realistic skin toned painting that glows.  Much like his pastel painting technique using the same method, Cuong has perfected an almost step by step method of achieving a great finished painting. Demonstrations and individual attention will be emphasized, enabling each student to produce a finished painting by workshop completion.

This workshop is designed to create a relaxed, informative, yet focused working environment for all skill levels. The core of the lesson will be based on drawing, values, edges, composition and creating life-like skin tone color.

Portrait by Cuong Nguyen Cuong Nguyen portrait in oil


DAY 1:  Introducing materials. Preparation of the surface (canvas or linen). Cuong will do a drawing demo (charcoal on paper) from 10AM-12PM. Students will start drawing after lunch until the end of the day.
DAY 2:  Cuong will show the students how to transfer their drawing to the canvas. After transferring the image to the canvas, we will begin the Verderccio.
DAY 3:  Learning Cuong's color palette. Apply colors on top of the underpainting, using glazing technique.
DAY 4:  Continue working on the glazing technique. Start working on details.
DAY 5:  Final touches.


step by step verdaccio technique by Cuong Nguyen

Places are limited to 10-12 students!
Date:          June 19th to June 23rd, 2023
Duration:    5 days from Monday to Friday: a total of 35 hours

                  7 hours of class per day from 9:00am-12:00pm and 13:30pm-17:30pm
Instructor:   Cuong Nguyen
Atelier Nadaï, 8 rue François Arago, 47000 Agen, France
Tuition:       1200.00 euros net (our courses are exempt of VAT). 

Tuition includes

  1. Cuong's live instructions and daily critic of your work

  2. free use of oil paints, solvents, mediums and other such sundry materials

  3. free polyester canvas to paint the portrait in oil (student takes back the canvas)

  4. free color photos of portrait subject

  5. coffee, tea and biscuits during breaks

Materials needed for the class (not included in course tuition)
We ask that you bring the following materials for this workshop

  1. 1 set of bruhes

  2. artist masking tape

  3. mahlstick

  4. kneaded rubber

  5. large wooden palette and double metal palette cup


For more information and request the course brochure and registration form, please contact us via email or the contact form.

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